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Chakra System |
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Chakra System
Chakra System
Tantra teaches that the same potent energies that govern the cosmos exist within the human body. The energy body, though not anatomically discernible, runs parallel, on an etheric level, to the physical body.
The energy circuits, or meridians (like in acupuncture), are called nadis. Three nadis are particularly imporant: the Sushumna, the central energy channel located within the spinal column, the Ida, the nadi of the lunar force located on the left of the spine, and the Pingala, the nadi of the solar force located on the right of the spine. Both the Ida and the Pingala intertwine around the Sushumna.
Each of the seven main energy centers, called chakras, is represented as a sacred lotus flower. The number of petals on the flower denotes the frequency at which each psychic energy wheel whirls around. On every petal is inscribed a letter of the Sanskrit alphabet, which creates a specific cosmic vibration or sound, known as a mantra.
Kundalini is the raw energy of Shakti. The unawakened Kundalini is represented by a serpent coiled three and a half times at the base of the spine. This dormant force must be awakened if the Tantric yogi is to achieve enlightenment.
As consciousness is raised through meditation, Kundalini yoga, or Tantric sexual union, the Kundalini Shakti ascends through the Sushumna, unlocking the cosmic energies within each lotus center until she reaches her absolute fulfillment in the crown chakra. Only when the Tantric yogi has raised his or her consciousness to this level can true spiritual enlightenment be achieved.
Each chakra has both a male and a female deity associated with it. These sub-deities represent certain aspects of the two principle deities in Tantra -- Lord Shiva and his consort, Shakti. However, Tantric meditational deities should not be confused with what different mythologies and religions might mean when they speak of gods and goddesses.
In Tantra, the deities represent the essential qualities of the fully awakened experience latent within us. To use the language of psychology, the deities are archetypes of our own deepest nature, our most profound level of consciousness. In Tantra, we focus our attention upon such an archetypal image and identify with it in order to arouse the deepest, most profound aspects of our being and bring them into our present reality. Therefore, although not absolutely necessary, initially it is often helpful when one is meditating on a particular chakra to meditate on its corresponding deities.
The process of transcending from form to the formless is like learning the initially abstract letters of the alphabet. We learn "A" by associating it with a concrete thing such as an apple. Then, after we learn the alphabet, the apple for "A", ball for "B", and cat for "C" disappear. We can then make words and communicate by combining the letters of the alphabet into words, sentences, and paragraphs. Just as the alphabet is helpful in learning a language, the divinities of the chakras are helpful in spiritualization of the cognitive, conative, and affective aspects of consciousness. Then, just as the letters disappear, the divinities with form also vanish when the formless divinity is reached.
The 7 Chakra'S (Below in order)
Crown Chakra |
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Crown Chakra
Crown Chakra
This chakra is related to thought and the creation of our worldview. Its orientation is toward self-knowlege and the understanding of our universal identity. The Crown chakra represents pure, undifferentiated cosmic energy. The desire to experience the Divine, however you define this, is the dominant drive here.
At this level, we are not satisfied knowing about the spiritual life, we want to merge with the Divine and have all of our actions guided by this union. When you have awakened to this level, all of life is seen as a spiritual experience. You see the Divine smiling back at you from all of reality.
To reach and sustain this level of consciousness, however, requires that all the previous chakras be likewise balanced and integrated.
Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara
Meaning: Thousandfold
Location: Top of the head, crown
Body Function: Connects body with higher states of consciousness
Endocrine Gland: Pineal gland
Sense: Pervading peace
Sense Organ: The soft spot in the skull during infancy
Work Organ: Pineal gland, hypothalamus
Main Issue: Understanding
Goals: Knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection, bliss
Right: To know
Developmental Stage: Throughout life
Identity: Universal identity (self-knowledge)
Areas Affected: Intellect
Malfunction: Headaches, confusion, apathy, overly intellectual, spiritual addiction, dissociated body, learning difficulities, spiritual skepticism, limited beliefs, materialism, need to feel popular, lack of memory, diminished concentration, frustration, depression, despair, unrealized power, indecision, self-denial, negative self-image, lacking tenderness, feeling misunderstood, life stagnant and meaningless, inability to maintain relationships
Color: Violet
Planet: Uranus
Element: Thought
Stones: Amethyst, diamond, clear quartz, tanzanite
Fragrance: Lotus, lavender, jasmine, sandalwood, rosewood, Frankinscence
Animals: Elephant, ox, bull
Operating Principle: Consciousness
Yoga Path: Jnana Yoga
Archetype: Sage, Wisewoman
"Demon": Attachment
Deity: The inner Guru
Asanas: "Hum" (chant while focusing on the crown of your head)
Lotus Pose
Corpse Pose
"Ajna," "Third Eye": Brow |
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"Ajna," "Third Eye": Brow
"Ajna," "Third Eye": Brow
Humans are all psychic to some degree and by activating the third eye chakra you open yourself to other worlds and visions. You rise above polarity and sense a greater reality occurring beyond your individual will. You feel the current of the larger life force.
As you begin to sense this interaction between your individual life force and the universal life force, your faith becomes empowered. As you get better at aligning with it, your life seems to move forward effortlessly as if you are being pulled along by some unseen current.
Sanskrit Name: Ajna
Meaning: To perceive
Location: Brow, between eyebrows on forehead, third-eye, around to occipate
Body Function: Consciousness, intellect
Endocrine Gland: Pituitary
Sense: Inner vision
Sense Organ: Eyes
Work Organ: Sinus, eyes, ears, pituitary gland
Main Issue: Insight, Intuition, imagination
Goals: Psychic perception, accurate interpretation, imagination, seeing, clarity, understanding
Right: To see
Developmental Stage: Adolescence
Identity: Archetypal identity (self-reflection)
Areas Affected: Eyes, optic nerves, auditory nerves, sinuses, forehead, inner and middle ear.
Physical Malfunction: Sinus trouble (sinustitis), allergies, crossed eyes, deafness, eye trouble, earache, fainting spells, certain cases of blindness, sty, astigmatism, cataracts, farsighted (hyperopia), glaucoma, nearsighted (myopia), tension headaches, brain tumor, headaches, nervousness, insomnia, head colds, high blood pressure, migraine headaches, nervous breakdowns, amnesia, chronic fatigue, dizziness.
Emotional Malfunction: Nightmares, hallucinations, daydreamingdelusions, difficulty concentrating, poor memory, daydreaming, refusal to change patterns, stubbornness, isolation, can't cope, anxiety, self-centeredness, flighty, scattered thinking, self-criticism, resisting life's flow, dogmatic, egomaniac, ungracious, bitter, not trusting life.
Color: Indigo Blue
Planet: Neptune, Saturn
Element: Light
Stones: Lapis, sapphire, tourmaline, flourite, indigo
Fragrance: Frankincense, patchouli, clary sage, jasmine, camphor, cedarwood
Operating Principle: Projection
Yoga Path: Yantra Yoga
Archetype: Hermit, Psychic, Dreamer
"Demon": Illusion
Deities: Ardhanarishvara, the half-male, half-female Shiva-Shakti is symbolic of basic polarity, and that all duality has ceased. There is only one entity, self-emanating and illustrious, which has compelte command over all aspects of the Self in this plane of liberation.
Hakini, is an aspect of Shakti. Meditation on her enables the yogi to obtain thought control, undivided attention, perfect concentration, unobstructed meditation, super-conscious concentration, and enlightenment.
Asanas: "Om" or "Aum" (chant while focusing on between your eyebrows)
Downward-Facing Dog
Standing Forward Bend
Wide-Legged Forward Bend
Supported Headstand
"Vissudha," "Throat chakra," "Mercury chakra": Throat |
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"Vissudha," "Throat chakra," "Mercury chakra": Throat
"Vissudha," "Throat chakra," "Mercury chakra": Throat
The throat chakra is related to communication and creativity. The core need is to find your authentic voice and speak your own personal truth. Writing, painting, dancing, music, thinking and countless other forms of creative expression becomes available to us.
Communication is essential to create successful relationships. Without open, honest expression of our wants, desires and needs, relationships soon become stale, falter and fail. When we communicate authentically, masks come down and we meet each other outside our facades.
With authentic communication and empathetic listening, we learn how to hear beyond the tone or volume of the voice our partner uses that may seem harsh, to reach the underlying pain, and listen with love and understanding.
Sanskrit Name: Vissudha
Meaning: Purification
Location: Throat, base of neck, behind neck, jaw
Body Function: Communication, glandular function
Endocrine Gland: Thyroid and parathyroid
Sense: Hearing
Sense Organ: Ears
Work Organ: Mouth, vocal cords
Main Issue: Communication, knowledge, self-expression
Goals: Clear communication, creativity, resonance, innovative thinking, independent worldview, contentment, centered, sincerity
Right: To speak and be heard
Developmental Stage: 7 to 12 years
Identity: Creative identity (self-expression)
Areas Affected: Thyroid gland, bursae in the shoulders, elbows, neck muscles, shoulders, tonsils, vocal cords, neck glands, pharynx, lips, mouth, eustachian tube, teeth, tongue, neck, throat, jaw, chin, cheeks, outer ear, face bones, facial nerve.
Physical Malfunction: Bursitis, colds, thyroid conditions, stiff neck, pain in upper arm, tonsillitis, cough, croup, laryngitis, hoarseness, throat conditions, sore throat, hay fever, neuralgia, neuritis, acne, pimples, eczema.
Emotional Malfunction: Scared, timid, quiet, lack of creative expression, can't express thoughts, dogmatic, gossip, excessive talking, stuttering, inability to listen, devious, suppressed feelings, deception, mental confusion, stifled creativity, fear of speaking up, not accepting self, dislike of self, resentment of authority, repressed anger, belief in persecution, outburst of anger
Color: Bright blue
Planet: Mercury, Jupiter
Element: Sound
Stones: Turquoise, lapis, blue topaz, azurite, aquamarine, celestite, cryscocola
Fragrance: Geranium, chamomile
Operating Principle: Sympathetic vibration
Yoga Path: Mantra Yoga
Archetype: Hermes (a.k.a. Mercury)
"Demon": Lies
Deities: Panchavaktra Shiva, also known as the Great Teacher or Master Guru. Through meditation on him, a yogi is elevated and cleansed from all karmas; the yogi dies to the past and is born again into the realization of oneness.
Shakini Shakti, the embodiment of purity. She is splendorous, delightful, and peace giving. She is the bestower of higher knowledge and powers. Memory, ready wit, intuition, and improvisation are all related to her.
Asanas: "Hang" or "Ham" (chant while focusing on your throat)
Plow Pose
Supported Shoulderstand
Bridge Pose
Bow Pose
Fish Pose
Camel Pose
"Anahata," "Heart chakra," "Venus chakra": Heart |
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"Anahata," "Heart chakra," "Venus chakra": Heart
"Anahata," "Heart chakra," "Venus chakra": Heart
With the three chakras both above and below it, the heart chakra is the central matrix. It is related to love, and is the integrator of opposites in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity. A healthy heart chakra allows us to love deeply, feel compassion, and have a profound sense of peace and centeredness.
Most of us are excellent givers, and as such can give love very easily. For many, it's difficult to learn how to receive love as well as give.
Some may feel that they aren't worthy of such an incredibly beautiful gift as love, and must learn to love themselves before they can begin to recognize the love that is coming their way. When we open to love, we realize the more we love the more we can love.
Sanskrit Name: Anahata
Meaning: Unstruck
Location: Heart
Body Function: Respiration, circulation, immune system
Endocrine Gland: Thymus
Sense: Touch
Sense Organ: Skin
Work Organ: Hands
Main Issue: Love, happiness
Goals: Balance, compassion, acceptance, good relationships, faith, devotion, optimisim, generosity
Right: To love and be loved
Developmental Stage: 4 to 7 years
Identity: Social identity (self-acceptance)
Areas Affected: Thymus (master gland of the immune system), lungs, bronchial tubes, pleura, chest, breast, heart, valves and covering, coronary arteries, arms from the elbows down, hands, wrists, fingers, esophagus and trachea.
Physical Malfunction: Bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, congestion, influenza, functional heart conditions and certain chest conditions, asthma, cough, difficult breathing, shortness of breath, pain in lower arms and hands, hyperventilation, panic attacks, palpitation.
Emotional Malfunction: Over-attachment, neediness, codependence, fear, feeling stifled, tired of life, feeling attacked by life, suppression of tears, shallow breathing, tension, anxiety, humped over posture, burn-out, sadness, depression, loneliness, longing, giver and not taker, fear of rejection, defensiveness, fear of rivalry, separateness, lack of compassion.
Color: Green
Planet: Venus
Element: Air
Stones: Ruby, emerald, rose quartz, aventurine
Fragrance: Rose, rosewood, pine, eucalyptus
Operating Principle: Equilibrium
Yoga Path: Bhakti Yoga
Archetype: Quan Yin
"Demon": Grief
Deities: Ishana Rudra Shiva, is completely detached from worldly pleasures, honors or humiliations. Desires have ceased to cause problems. He is peaceful and beneficient.
Kakini Shakti is auspicious, joyful, and the benefactress of all. She is the goddess responsible for the creation of devotional poetry, devotional music, and visionary art.
Asanas: "Yang" or "Yam" (chant while focusing on the middle of your chest)
Cobra Pose
Upward-Facing Dog
Chair Pose
Revolved Triangle Pose
Locust Pose
Bow Pose
"Manipura," "Power chakra": Solar plexus |
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"Manipura," "Power chakra": Solar plexus
[COLOR=Purple] "Manipura," "Power chakra": Solar plexus
The belly is the area of our energy center. It rules our personal power, will and autonomy, as well as our metabolism. When healthy, the third chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and nondominating power. The belly is also the feeling center, the place where many of our emotions and passions originate.
When something happens in our lives that creates emotions, these emotions seem to "grow" out of our guts and spread out through our bodies and psyches to whatever path is appropriate for their expression.
Emotions are energy in motion and once created they will attempt to release themselves unless restricted by conflicting beliefs and mechanisms. Unexpressed emotions, such as anger, when repressed may stick in your "gut" and the tension may become stuck, creating a chakra block.
Sanskrit Name: Manipura
Meaning: Lustrous gem
Location: Belly, behind the navel, solar plexus
Body Function: Digestion
Endocrine Gland: Adrenals
Sense: Sight
Sense Organ: Eyes
Work Organ: Feet, legs
Main Issue: Power, energy
Goals: Vitality, strength of will, purpose, self-control, spontaneity, self-esteem
Right: To act
Developmental Stage: 18 months to 4 years
Identity: Ego-identity (self-definition)
Areas Affected: Gall bladder, small intestines, lymph circulation, kidneys, ureters, adrenal and supra-renal glands, spleen, pancreas, duodenum, stomach, liver, solar plexus, blood, gall bladder, common duct.
Physical Malfunction: Ulcers, jaundice, chronic fatigue, gall bladder disease, liver disease, fevers, low blood pressure, anemia, poor circulation, arthritis, stomach problems, indigestion, nervous stomach, heartburn, dyspepsia, gastritis, lowered resistance to diseases, allergies, hives, kidney troubles, hardening of the arteries, nephritis, pyelonephritis, acne, eczema, boils, rheumatism, gas, sterility, spastic colon, abdominal cramps, pancreatis.
Emotional Malfunction: Competition, feeling defeated, fear, anger, bitterness, condemning, prideful, dread, anxiety, criticism, disappointment, shame, complaining, rejection, anxious to please, fault-finding to deceive self, failure, uncertainty, giving-up, wallowing in the past, inability ot assert yourself, guilt when you say "no," defensiveness, guardedness, stubbornness, petty power conflicts, desire for social status.
Color: Yellow
Planet: Mars, Sun
Element: Fire
Stones: Amber, yellow tourmaline, topaz, citrine
Fragrance: Amber, rosemary
Operating Principle: Combustion
Yoga Path: Karma Yoga
Archetype: Magician
"Demon": Shame
Deities: Braddha Rudra (Old Shiva), this wrathful form of Shiva represents the power of destruction. Meditation on him dispels fears and subsides anger.
Lakini Devi, also known as Bhadra Kali, the compassionate form of Kali. She aids the yogi to concentrate on Braddha Rudra, the guru of all spiritual knowledge.
Asanas: "Rang" or "Ram" (chant while focusing above the navel)
Warrior II Pose
Warrior III Pose
Extended Triangle Posee
Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
Head-to-Knee Pose
Marichyasana I
"Svadhisthana," "Sex chakra," "Jupiter Chakra": Sex organs |
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"Svadhisthana," "Sex chakra," "Jupiter Chakra": Sex organs
[COLOR=Magenta]"Svadhisthana," "Sex chakra," "Jupiter Chakra": Sex organs
The sex chakra connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement. Ideally, it brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment, and the ability to accept change.
It is the seat of your creative energy. The sex chakra needs, in many of us, more recognition, acceptance, attention, love and, in some, healing to receive and enhance the flow of life force from the spiritual crown chakra, through the visionary third eye chakra, the expressive throat chakra, the empowering belly chakra down to the secure base chakra.
Ecstasy is yours when you coordinate, integrate and synergize your sex chakra and other chakras. The sex chakra is possibly the most important chakra because it is the gateway to our physical incarnation.
Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana
Meaning: Sweetness
Location: Abdomen, genitals, low back, hips
Body Function: Sex drive, reproduction
Endocrine Gland: Pancreas
Sense: Taste
Sense Organ: Tongue
Work Organ: Genitals
Main Issue: Sexuality, emotions, magnetism, attractivity, creativity, procreation, family
Goals: Fluidity, pleasure, relaxation, healthy sexuality
Right: To feel, to want
Developmental Stage: 6 months to 2 years
Identity: Emotional identity (self-gratification)
Areas Affected: Large intestines, lymph circulation, appendix, abdomen, upper leg, sex organs, uterus, bladder, knees
Physical Malfunction: Stiffness, cystitis, irregular or painful menstruation, miscarriages, impotency, bed wetting, knee problems, menopausal symptoms, constipation, colitis, diarrhea, incontinence, hernias, sterility, infertility, endometriosis, vaginitis, sexually transmitted diseases, yeast infections, frigidity, impotence.
Emotional Malfunction: Sexual difficulities, isolation, emotional instability or numbness, drudgery, boredom, guilt, addiction, pursuit of pleasure, dissatisfaction, jealousy, over-attachment, fear of loss, preoccupation with your physical appearance & attractiveness, feeling inadequate, envy, loss of spontaneity, uncomfortable socially, impatience, distrust, anger, frustration, feeling victimized, holding on, nervousness.
Color: Orange
Planet: Jupiter, Moon
Element: Water
Stones: Coral carnelian, amber
Fragrance: Myrrh, orange oil
Operating Principle: Attraction of opposites
Yoga Path: Tantra Yoga
Archetype: Eros
"Demon": Guilt
Deities: Vishnu, the lord of preservation. He embodies the principles of right living. Vishnu is the source of the highest spiritual power and knowledge that is present in every atom and cell.
Lakshmi, an aspect of Shakti. The first inspiration of art and music comes from Rakini. She is beautiful, delightful and inspiring to those who use restraint in gratifying their desires; she is awesome and frightful to those who are slaves of their desires.
Asanas: "Vang" or "Vam" (chant while focusing on the above below your navel)
Bound Angle Pose
Seated Forward Bend
Tree Pose
Lotus Pose
Bridge Pose
Full Boat Pose
"Muladhara," "Base Chakra," "Saturn Chakra": Perineum |
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"Muladhara," "Base Chakra," "Saturn Chakra": Perineum
"Muladhara," "Base Chakra," "Saturn Chakra": Perineum
People who have difficulty expressing themselves in a creative, spontaneous and flexible fashion or who have trouble allowing their feelings to flow freely in a non-compulsive, unobstructed fashion may feel tension in this chakra. The base chakra deals with the desire to own and possess.
This chakra usually stores trauma when a person feels belittled or helpless. If a person is tense and tight in the anus, she or he is over-concerned with material and survival needs and may experience difficulty giving and receiving in an unrestrained fashion.
They may try to hoard and possess everything they come in contact with. If that area is flexible and vital, that person is usually open, giving and free-flowing in the world.
Sanskrit Name: Muladhara
Meaning: Root
Location: Base of spine
Body Function: Elimination
Endocrine Gland: Ovaries and testes
Sense: Smell
Sense Organ: Nose
Work Organ: Anus, perineum
Main Issues: Survival, security, self-preservation
Goals: Stability, grounding, prosperity, right livelihood, physical health, trust
Right: To have, to be here
Developmental Stage: Womb to 12 months
Identity: Physical identity (self-preservation)
Areas Affected: Sacrum, coccyx, hip bones, buttocks, rectum, anus, prostate gland, muscles of the lower back, sciatic nerve, lower legs, ankles, feet
Physical Malfunction: Obesity, hemorrhoids, constipation, sciatica, eating disorders, knee problems, bone disorders, frequent illness in general, prostate cancer, rectal cancer, sacroiliac conditions, lumbago, problems with urination, backaches, poor circulation in legs, swollen ankles, weak arches and ankles, cold feet, weak legs, leg cramps.
Emotional Malfunction: "Tight-ass," difficulity giving and receiving emotionally, feeling burdened, fear of money and the future, blaming others, anger, resentment, tension, holding on, distrustful of life, fear of deadlines, anger of past, hoarding, inflexible, insecurity, lack of abundance, self-centeredness, frequent fears, inability to focus, "spaciness," restlessness, inability to be still
Color: Red
Planet: Saturn, Ketu
Element: Earth
Stones: Garnet, hematite, bloodstone, lodestone
Fragrances: Musk, ylang ylang, sandalwood
Operating Principle: Gravity
Yoga Path: Hatha Yoga
Archetype: Earth Mother
"Demon": Fear
Deities: Brahma, lord of creation. All fears and insecurities are resolved through Lord Brahma, the ever-watchful creator.
Saraswati, the Shakti of Brahma (power of Brahma). She carries the light of divine knowledge, removes fear, destroys ignorance and helps yogis surmount all difficulties.
Ganesha, the elephant-headed god. He is to be invoked at the beginning of all undertakings to bestow protection and remove all obstacles.
Asanas: "Lang" or "Lam" (chant while focusing on your perineum)
Mountain Pose
Tree Pose
Standing Forward Bend
Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend
Child's Pose
Half Moon Pose
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