
★ ♥ ★ A Multicultural Community that unites people from all over the world ★ ♥ ★
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"To be capable of steady friendship or lasting love are the two
greatest proofs, not only of goodness of heart, but strength
of the mind..."


What is AMC ?


Asian Massive Crew  AKA  A Multicultural Community,  is a live community site which was launched in January 2003.

Originally AMC started of as an Asian dominated chat site on MSN Chat ( in May 2002 in the ethnic category . a single tiny chat room!

This  was later moved to MSN Groups ( after U.K chat closure in October 2003. 

Another few years later MSN Group chat was also closed on October 2006. AMC chat finally came to an end. The main forum/site  continued to run on a daily basis, as it is now.

With vast changes and demand, the site has now become a multicultural community open to all...Also being the very first MSN style chat site to launch its very own forum during that period.

Everyone is welcome to join regardless of their background and ethnicity, AMC Has no basis for race, cast colour & creed, you are who you are as a person and that is all that matters. Treat others how you would like to be treated & that is with RESPECT!

Take advantage of our social networking features, message boards containing over 1000's of jokes, arcade, debates, personal and social issues, groups & profile utilities and much much more. 

Unlike other Asian forums AMC is forever evolving with brand new features  and updates, ensuring that your online time is pleasurable! 

Interact with other members online.

FREE membership & it only takes a few minutes to subscribe !

Members range from 14 to 50+ Children under the age of 13 will require to fill out the COPPA registration system by Law during registration.

So enjoy your stay & stay active!!

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 Graphics, Design & Layout  by Web Designerz - The Power To Create..!

Copyright © 2002 Onwards  | Website Hosted by Reality Host


DISCLAIMER: Every reasonable effort has been made, to make this site a peaceful yet an entertaining venue. 
The creator nor it's staff shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person, company or entity whatsoever, 
with respect to any loss, damages or misunderstandings arising from any information or speculation contained
in any of the topics and its updates. Each member is responsible for his/her own thoughts of action when expressed!