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Hinduism Gayatri mantra is Mohammad
Old 09-11-2011
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Hinduism Gayatri mantra is Mohammad

In the name of Allāh,
the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Peace and Blessings of Allāh on Mohammad.
Allāh–the Glorious and the High,
Lord of the worlds
Mohammad–who brought the world
to our feet and eternity to our arms


The Prophet Mohammad is reported to have said that Allāh God, said: I loved that I should be known, so I created man.1
Allāh God “created man of sounding clay, of black mud”–(Qur’an 15:26. Thus, every Hindu, Jew, Christian, Muslim, etc; of every color has black “Adam’s blood” flowing in his veins).

Allāh, God, created us to serve Him–(Qur’an 51:56). Service to God or obedience to the Will/Law of God (Islam) is the Ancient Law or Eternal Order (Santana Dharma of Hinduism). And this Ancient Law/Obedience to God is primeval; dating back to the creation of the heavens and the earth:
“Then He (Allāh) directed Himself to the heaven and it was a vapour, so He said to it and to the Earth: Come both, willingly or unwillingly. They both said: We come willingly”–(Qur’an 41:11).
We ‘come willingly’ or we submit to your command (Islam) and by submitting to God’s command they are Muslims. While the terms “Muslim” and “Islam” were only revealed in the Qur’an, they are integral and dates back to creation. By compulsion All people are Muslims.

Allāh tells us in His Qur’an that He raised up messengers among all people and gave them acts of devotion–(Qur’an 22:34) and one common message: “And We sent no messenger before thee (Mohammad) but We revealed to him that there is no God but Me, so serve Me”–(Qur’an 21:25; 10:47. Thus Allāh God is known by a name according to the language of the people).
However, “No scripture of any religion was to be found in its original form and pristine purity at the time of the Holy Prophet’s advent, nor is one found today,” notes by Abdul Haque Vidyarthi in his book Muhammad in World Scriptures Vol; 1 (p. 6). Abdul Haque also points out:

“No scripture, writing or book has got so many people to its credit who learn it by heart, as the Holy Qur’an has. Religious scriptures underwent vicissitudes and had dark ages upon them, that their very contents and their exist-ence became suspected. It was in this obscurity that the Vedas grew from one into four, and then from four to as many as 1131, there is a verse in Maha Bhashya which explains that there are one hundred and one shoots of Yajur-veda, one thousand of Sama-veda, twenty-one kinds of Rigveda and nine of Atharva-veda.
In these days we can see a dozen vedas published, in fact, which throws light on their vicissitudes.
The Masorah and Septuagint versions of the old Testament, the different authorized editions of the Sadducees and Pharisees, the apocryphal literature believed as part of inspired scriptures by some sects and rejected by others, the different versions of apocryphal Gospels, prove the credibility of the fact that no religious scripture was kept intact or properly maintained or committed to memory in the life-time of the prophet to whom it was revealed.”2

Moreover, The Rgveda was “composed” by “bard priest;” and “By about 1000 BC this body of chanted poetry had apparently grown to unmanageable proportions, and the best of the poems were form-ed into an anthology called Rgveda, which was then canonized.…The Vedic literature was oral and not written down until very much later, the first reference to a written Vedic text being in the 10th century AD”3.

Mohammad was the first and the only prophet to declare that Allāh God raised messengers in all nations–(Qur’an 10:47; 16:36; 35:24); and made it a command that Muslims believe in all these messengers and in the message given to them by Allāh–(Qur’an 2:136, 285; 4:152).
As Mohammad embraced these messengers he declared through Revelation that all messengers of the world foretold his coming–(Qur’an 3:80). The last of these prophets to foretell the coming of Mohammad was the prophet Jesus Christ–(Qur’an 61:6).

Whereas Mohammad does not need any other Scripture or prophet to substantiate his status as Divine Messenger –the Qur’an with its prophecies; statements on science and its inimitability (Qur’an 2:23; 10:38; 11:13; 17:88; 52:34); and events of the Doomsday that have found resonance in the scientific community is proof of Mohammad’s Divine Messengership status– Abdul Haque Vidyarthi, in his monumental three-volume work Muhammad In World Scriptures, “had adduced 3000 incontrovertible arguments and signs proving the truthfulness of the Holy Prophet Muhammad and his Divine mission.” He has shown that the Prophet Mohammad was foretold in “Mystic Syllables Of Egyptian Book Of The Dead, and in Zoroastrian, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish and Christian Scriptures.”

Whereas Jesus was the last prophet to foretell the coming of Mohammad, the first Scripture to foretell the coming of Mohammad was the Rg Veda.
Abdul Haque has detailed several prophecies about the Prophet Mohammad in the Vedas. In Vol. 1, he has shown that the Prophet Mohammad is the sun (who “sharpen and refine our intellect”) of Hinduism’s Gayatri mantra of the Rig Veda–3:62:10.

AHV states that the Gayatri mantra has also been called “Savitri, the mother of all the Vedas.”
AHV states, “In this translation we shall not adduce anything of our own. The text of the Gayatri has been quoted from Rig Veda, mandal 3, Sukt 62, mantra 10: and the rendering, too, is not ours but that of the pandits themselves.”
The Gayatri mantra reads:

“Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo
Devasya Dhi Mahi
Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodyat”

“Its literal translation is:

“That Sun, bright and pure, the god’s great wisdom
–may he sharpen and refine our intellect.”

(Abdul Haque notes “Obscurities in the translation” and proceeds): “Keeping these perplexities in view, one is naturally tempted to ask: Whom the prayer has been addressed to in the mantra. To the Sun, or the Light of the Sun, or to his wisdom and intellect?”
AHV points out that to give meaning to this Gayatri mantra, “the pandits prefix these four words which does not exist in the Veda Om bhur bhava svaha. The word Om, it may be noted, is not found anywhere in the Rig Veda. These four words they interpolate and insert before the Gayatri mantra for the reason that it may yield some significance at least.”
AHV also points out that some pandits, “in order to make the Sun the ultimate object, of the term tat, add of their accord the word tasya after it. In that case, the term tat seems to be superfluous and redundant.”

AHV shows, through analysis, that the “Sun” mentioned in the above mantra is not the physical sun but a spiritual sun. “Verenyam means Munira i.e. the giver of light; and the meaning of Munira is The light-giving Sun.”
That “Savitur Varenyam” of the Gayatri mantra is just like “Sirajam Munira” (“the light-giving sun”) which epithet the Prophet Mohammad is mentioned as in the Qur’an:
“O Prophet, surely We have sent thee as a witness, and a bearer of good news and a warner, And as an inviter to Allah by His permission, and as a light-giving sun”–(Qur’an 33:45-46).

“With Hindus the Gayatri mantra carries very much the same sacred significance as does the holy kalimah (the formula of faith) with the Muslims. This mantra (sacred verse) has also been called Savitri, the mother of all the Vedas, just as Surah Fatihah (the opening chapter of the Holy Qur’an) has been called Umm-al Qur’an (the mother or basis of the Qur’an) by the Muslims.”
And this “mother of all the Vedas” is a prophecy about the Prophet Mohammad. (pp. 247-266).

The RgVeda is said to be the oldest Scripture.
As Allāh God knowing how many prophets He would send into the world had the prophets of various nations foretell the coming of His last Prophet, Mohammad, it is reasonable that Allah would in His first Scripture to mankind, the Rig Veda, make mention of this last Prophet of His through whom His favors to man would be “completed” and religion “perfected”-(Qur’an 5:3) and who will give “all truth” as Jesus said.
One who has brought “all truth,” “completed” favors” and “perfected” religion, there is no more truth to be given, no more favors to be had, and nothing to supersede perfection. In effect, there is no other light more resplendent, more illuminating than the “light-giving sun”–the Prophet Mohammad.

That Mohammad was foretold in the first Scripture, the RgVeda; then it stands to reason that Mohammad was the first soul created by God, as the Prophet is reported to have said: “The very first thing that Allâh Almighty ever created was my soul.”
That Mohammad was the first soul created is not incredible. It is said that the first thing a novelist knows or ascertains is the ending of his novel and works towards the ending. A builder of a house would know before hand the size of his house, the number of windows, etc.
Reason would dictate that Allāh knowing how many prophets He would be sending also knew their names and in what order he would be sending them. Thus, in order for each prophet to know about the prophet to come after him Allāh would have first created the prophet that He would send last.
Thus, Mohammad being the last and final prophet from God, Mohammad was correct in stating that Allāh created his soul first.
In fact, it may be stated that in the matter of creation and finality of prophethood Mohammad was/is, respectively, the First and the Last –the Alpha and Omega,
Apart from the fact that karma and reincarnation and Yoga are not Divine revelations and that Krishna is not God:

Aside from Hinduism barring women from reading or listening to the Vedas and made her entry into heaven on condition she reverence even her dead husband and encourages her to immolate herself on her husband’s funeral pyre.
Aside from liberation of the soul from the cycle of deaths and births (Moksa) is open only to certain males.
Aside from the Hindu God (Vishnu) grew in status.
Aside from the soul entering through an orifice of the woman and sits in her womb waiting to be fertilized by sperm.
Aside from the Mahabharata (which comprises the Bhagavad Gita), and the Ramayana being Hindu mythology.
Aside from some Hindus showing that Krishna could never be God.
Aside from some Hindus saying that Rama and Krishna were merely culture heroes who were later deified
Aside from the most important deities to Hindu peasants is not Vishnu or Shiva but “village goddess (gramadevata)”
Aside from the origin of karma and reincarnation are “obscure” and not conducive to reason and karma renders God as being devoid of mercy and reincarnation is not logical.
Aside from Hindus not knowing whether they will live forever in heaven or return back to earth to repeat the process of reincarnation ad infinitum and whether they are reincarnated into the different kingdoms of animals, birds, insects, aquatics and plants or as the same creature all the time.
Aside from the above as detailed in Hinduism & women, Hindus who desire Swarga/Heaven has no choice but to follow their Vedic “light-giving sun”–PROPHET MOHAMMAD.
(See also Mohammad–Hinduism’s Kalki Avatar),

Hinduism is complexity, mythology and uncertainty.
Islam is simplicity, Divinity and certainty:

“Surely the owners of the Garden are on that day in a happy occupation. They and their wives are in shades, reclining on raised couches”–(Qur’an 36:56)
“Enter the garden, you and your wives being made happy”–(Qur’an 43:70;
“And those who believe and whose off-spring follow them in faith –We unite them with their offspring and We shall deprive them of naught of their work. Every man is pledged for his work”–Qur’an 52:21)
“And whoever does good deeds, whether male or FEMALE, and he (or she) is a believer –these will enter the Garden, and they will NOT be dealt with a whit unjustly”–Qur’an 4:124)
“Surely the men who submit and the women who submit, and the believing men and the believing women, and the obeying men and the obeying women, and the truthful men and the truthful women, and the patient men and the patient women, and the humble men and the humble women, and the alms-giving men and the alms-giving women,and the fasting men and the fasting women, and the men who guard their private parts and the women who guard, and the men who remember Allah much and the women who remember* –Allah has prepared for THEM FORGIVENESS AND A MIGHTY REWARD”–(Qur’an 33:35).
“Surely for those who keep their duty is achievement, Gardens and vineyards, And youthful (companions), equals in age, And a pure cup. They hear not therein vain words, nor lying — A reward from thy Lord, a gift sufficient”–(Qur’an 78:31-36).
Any wonder then that even in the face of our adversity and suffering Muslims still laugh and smile:
“And you hope from Allāh what they hope not”–(Qur’an 4:104).

1. Muhammad Ali, comm. Qur’an 96:2. Please note, numbering of verses may vary among translators. I have used Muhammad Ali’s translation which can be viewed/downloaded free online: www.muslim.org).
2. Abdul Haque Vidyarthi, Muhammad in World Scriptures, Vol. 1, pp. 314-315. Published by:
Dar-ul-Isha’at Kutub-E-Islamia,
Fatimabai Court, 4th Floor, Above Bank of Maharashtra,
17 Maulana Azad Road, Jacob Circle,
Mumbai–400 011.
Telephone 309 34 38 ● 308 83 30.
ISBN 81-900537-9-5.

3, Ency. Brit.15th Ed. Vol, 17, p. 151.

بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِِ
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