Charaka Samhita: Human Fertilisation and Embryology

20-05-2017 22:03 Rahul5362#1
Charaka Samhita: Vol 1, Verses 1-3

“In the first month when
sperm and ovum unite they
turn into a seed-form and
stick to the mucous
membrane and start
increasing in size. This seed
divides from one into two,
two to four; four to eight and
so on till a round seed-form
is formed. This seed-form
has the capability to give rise
to all kinds of tissues and
organs. There are two types
of seed-forms - the inner and
the outer. The outer
seed-forms are bigger than the inner seed-form. After sometime, a cavity is
formed which is filled with fluid in between the two seed-forms.
This fluid creates a gap
between the two layers.

Charaka Samhita: Vol 1, Verses 4-5

“In the third month, all germinating parts appear. At this time the head is quite large. The fingers are visible. The male and female sex organs
are formed. The eyelids and lips are not separated.”