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Old 01-12-2007   #24
Original Sistah
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I know gelatine is haram (if it's from a haraam source) because it's common sense, anything derived from a haram source is therefore haram. If everything was written specifically in any religion, there'd be no such thing as atheism or misinterpretation. You can't get away from the fact that the gelatine is STILL from a haram source, please don't try to impress me with your denaturing bs, it is STILL from the same source.

Let me give you an example of cannabilism, if I take the body out of it's optimum temperature, hence denaturing all of its' enzymes, mash it into pieces, make it all into a lovely curry - nothing like the old thing, does that still mean it's cannabilism? course it is.

Muslims aren't vegetarians? really? wow. The reason we look for V because it's easier. quite frankly, to do so than look at all the long list of ingredients! And even then they sometimes don't give you all the details, one ingredient in there may have some animal rennet in, but they don't say that on the ingredients list. And in western shops, most don't bother to use halal meat, duh since it's not a muslim country we're in.

Halal gelatine - whether people want money or are just willing to do a decent thing, it's there for the taking.

Terrorism promotion is spreading false 'truth' What you're doing is spreading false 'truth', it's the same thing IN MY OPINION! You can eat pork if you want to wouldn't bother me in anyway I'd even provide you with some sauce, but you spreading this bs is dangerous, 'sistah', very dangerous.
It's because of people like you that there are always 'new testaments' coming out. Well, not for Islam, it's been kept the same for years, and it's not about to change now, because of some wannabe scientists.

hahah, I seriously cannot believe you are using an argument of Science to argue against a religious belief, when you claim you're a believer. They are not antagonistic, sure you'll get some things explained in Science, stuff that's coming out in science nowadays was written in the Qur'an from yonks ago. But
Maybe if you love Science so much, you'll agree that the your ancestor is playing the drums in the new Cadbury's advert.

I'll end by saying Assalamualaikum, peace be upon you, even though I didn't get a response last time, but then again I know that salafis think they're superior to the rest of us, and that even though the Qur'an tells us to say 'peace' even to disbelievers, and forbids arrogance, no-one is of the same worth as a salafi.

Original Sistah

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