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Neha.Kulkarni is offline
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I watched this a few minutes ago..And was disgusted, but not surprised!
Notice how they change the word "Gurdwara" to "Temple" and less usage of the word Sikh but more "Indian"
Nina Aouilk was raised a Sikh, being a Sikh they are taught to reject Hinduism according to their granth.
This has been a huge problem with British Sikhs in the U.K but they sweep it under the carpet (some links below)
When people hear her talk, they assume its a "Indian thing" but it's very common amongst #Sikhs!
....And yeh I do feel very sad for what she's been through, but I dislike the double standards of the way they call themselves Indian when it suits them or to white wash their own communities problems!
I Was Gang Raped By My Dad & Father In Law | BritAsia TV True Stories
Surjit Kaur Athwal (17 July 1971 – December 1998) was a British-Indian woman murdered in an honour killing in India. She was 27 years old at the time of her death, and had two children, aged 7 and 9 months.
Her murder was instigated by her mother-in-law, 70-year-old Bachan Kaur Athwal, in collusion with Surjit's husband, Sukhdave Singh Athwal. Surjit had started divorce proceedings against her abusive husband. A divorce would bring shame onto the Athwals, so Bachan Kaur lured Surjit to India, leading her to believe that if she attended two weddings in Punjab, the family would consent to a divorce. Instead, she was killed there and her body has never been found.
This case marked the first conviction, in a British court, of an honour killing committed outside of the UK
'My people refuse to talk about honour killings'
Jagdeesh Singh's sister was murdered by her in-laws for daring to seek a divorce. But, he tells Jerome Taylor, it is a crime his community would prefer to ignore
Father gets 14 years for 'honour killing' plot
This article is more than 19 years old
Sikh offered £10,000 for his daughter's death
A Sikh man was jailed for 14 years last night after being found guilty of plotting to murder his daughter, her Jewish boyfriend and the man he mistook for the lover's father in a so-called honour killing.
#Sikhism #Basicofsikh #Sikhs #Religion #Khalistan #NinaAouilk
I only watched the video now, and did a search on here..Left a comment on the yt channel too
