James Max FURIOUSLY Clashes With Caller Over Israel-Hamas War

01-11-2023 14:17 givergal908#1
“You Live A Very Very Sad Existence” | James Max FURIOUSLY Clashes With Caller Over Israel-Hamas War
A group of pro-Palestinian activists staged a sit-in at Liverpool Street station in London in protest at the Israel-Hamas conflict.

More than 500 people joined the protest at around 5.30pm on Tuesday to demand an immediate ceasefire to Israel’s attacks on Gaza and an end to arms exports to Israel.

Palestinian music and chants such as “ceasefire now” could be heard from the crowds at the sit-in, which was organised by direct action group Sisters Uncut.

TalkTV’s James Max clashes with caller Khalid in Leicester who accuses him of crying “crocodile tears" over the Israel-Hamas war.

“The lack of support for Israel by British people is an abomination Khalid!”

“You live a very very sad existence.”

#talktv #talkradio #israel #hamas #gaza #palestine
02-11-2023 05:13 jay999#2
I remember years back
different communities all stuck together
even if 1 group was racist asians all stuck together then less of this religious division
but too many of these fucked up jihadi kunts around in the past few years, like those
fuckers from speakers corner or zakir naik bastard supporters
who constantly put you down.

It wont be long till the white majority get pissed of with the pakis and actual civil war kicks off.
They already attacked our Hindu temples last year, and I don't care what anyone says
or how we get on with each other online or the few Muslim friends you may have, I just do not trust them in large numbers