46 Year Old Pakistani Ex-Muslim Tells His Story

31-05-2020 05:41 CraZiiBuNii786#1
You're about to watch the story of a man who was Muslim his entire life, but his curiosity and interest in the truth sparked a journey away from Islam.
This is a a clip from a previous interview I did with "Super Sufi" (not his real name), a anti-theist living in Pakistan.

How when he read Dan Gibson's research (The Sacred City documentary and the Quranic geography book) it changed his life.

No matter which side of the debate you are on ,whether you think Gibson is wrong or right about Muhammad being from Petra, you have to admit that the Saudi government definitely is not interested in opening up this can of worms. They don't stand to gain anything from research on this. It's in their best interest to keep the status quo.

It opened up his eyes to start looking into other things that he was taught about Islam that was not necessarily true. He went from being a believer praying 5x a day
to eventually now after 45 years of being Muslim he left Islam