Has Bad A Fattitude

07-02-2020 03:04 GymBitch#1
(This story is related to me by my friend, who is a personal trainer employed at a gym. It has the usual classes, which she teaches along with another trainer, and equipment. My friend is a bit of a real-life Disney princess… she seems to nice and cheerful to be real, but it’s not an act, and when she says things like how she loves to help people of all types and sizes meet whatever goals they have, she genuinely means it. She’s VERY popular with everyone at the gym as a result, and her classes tend to be full of people of every size due to her positive attitude and willingness to help and be patient. At the time of this story, it’s just after New Years, and she’s walking around the gym conducting an informal interview with a potential new trainer to replace her when she moves in a month. Since it’s the start of a new year, the place is packed with people trying to make good on their new resolutions.)

Applicant: “I bet it doesn’t normally look like this.”

Friend: “Huh?”

Applicant: “All these people jamming it up. It’s just because of New Year resolutions.”

Friend: “Oh, yeah, January is always jam-packed! I love it.”

Applicant: *stops and frowns at a pair of heavier women on the treadmills* “It’s all fake bull-s***. They’re going to drop it and be back at the buffet, and in the meantime they’re wasting my time and taking up the gym’s resources.”

Friend: “Uh… well… even if some of them don’t follow through, I think it’s important that we give them every opportunity we can, and all the tools to encourage them to stick with it. A friendly, welcoming atmosphere works wonders.”

Applicant: *makes an over-the-top yucky face* “I’m not here to kiss anyone’s ample a**, and if they don’t like it, they can call up the pizza delivery guy and cry about it.”

(Needless to say, my friend did not end up recommending the applicant get the job, and my friend was upset and angry about it for the rest of the week. With an attitude like that, I can’t IMAGINE why the applicant would see so many people stop coming to gyms around her.)