George Harrison Video Quotes collection

26-01-2020 11:57 MsTee1985#1
(FL)My George Harrison Video Quotes collection :D

“If you don't know where you're going, any road'll take you there” - George Harrison

“When you've seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there.”

“Anyway, there is one thing I have learned and that is not to dress uncomfortably, in styles which hurt: winklepicker shoes that cripple your feet and tight pants that squash your balls. Indian clothes are better.”
- George Harrison

“All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece but not too much.”

“Sometimes I feel like I’m actually on the wrong planet."

"Through Hinduism, I feel a better person. I just get happier.."

"I wanted to be successful, not famous."

"I plant flowers and watch them grow..."

"If we were all perfected beings, we wouldn't be here..."

"Living in the Material World," a Hindu-inspired phrase Harrison chose for a 1973 song that illuminates his theology and sense of artistic vocation:

~ George Harrison

"Got a lot of work to do / Try to get a message through / And get back out of this material world."

Thanks for the support!!!

26-01-2020 22:46 xXxKhRiShNeExXx#2
Hey very nice
28-01-2020 04:22 Neha.Kulkarni#3
Super sis!
Added it into my play list x
29-01-2020 00:30 MsTee1985#4
Thanks, don't forget to share