18-02-2019 14:16 micklfc08#1
  • Tosser – Supreme Asshole or jerk.
  • Wanker – Idiot
  • Slag – Whore, the worst kind
  • Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys – The French
  • Lost the plot – Gone crazy or completely stupid.
  • Daft Cow – Dumb, large woman
  • Arsehole – Asshole
  • Barmy – Stupid or crazy.
  • Chav – White Trash / Low Class
  • Dodgy – Shady character
  • Git – Moron, Idiot
  • Gormless – Complete lack of common sense
  • Manky – Disgusting
  • Minger – Very unattractive woman
  • Muppet – Dimwit (not the puppet variety)
  • Naff – Tacky
  • Nutter – Someone’s who’s clearly crazy
  • Pikey – White trash – also used to slight Gypsies or Irish Travellers
  • Pillock – Idiot
  • Plonker – Idiot
  • Prat – Idiot, asshole
  • Scrubber – A nicer way to say slag
  • Trollop – A lady of questionable morals
  • Uphill Gardener – Another way of saying homosexual
  • Twit – Idiot
  • Knob Head – Dickhead
  • Piss Off – Go Away
  • Bell End – Dick Head (bell end also means penis)
  • Lazy Sod – Useless idiot
  • Skiver – Lazy sod
  • Knob – Dick
  • Wazzock – Someone so dumb they can only do manual labor (from Yorkshire)
  • Ninny – Brilliant but inferior
  • Berk – Idiot
  • Airy-fairy – Not strong, weak.
  • Ankle-biters – Children
  • Arse-licker – A sycophant
  • Arsemonger – A person that generate contempt.
  • Chuffer – An annoying perfusion
  • Daft as a bush – Silly, Crazy
  • Dead from the neck up – Stupid.
  • Gannet – Greedy person.
  • Gone to the dogs – rotten, deteriorated
  • Ligger – freeloader
  • Like a dog with two dicks – Man whore
  • Mad as a bag of ferrets – Crazy
  • Maggot – A despicable person
  • Mingebag – A bad person, an asshole who might be cheap.
  • Not batting on a full wicket – Eccentric person a little crazy or odd.
  • Plug-Ugly – Very Ugly person