A young newlywed couple are on their honeymoon

08-04-2017 10:42 HighHeelsLipGloss#1
A young newlywed couple are on their honeymoon and just arrived at their hotel, getting ready for bed. They don't communicate very well in bed, so once under the sheets, the couple sit there silently, nervous about what to do or say.

The husband is the first to break the silence, leans over and says "Honey...if you're a little nervous like me, and you want to have -ahem- sex, just reach over and stroke my dick a couple times and that'll be the sign you're ready."
The wife being just as anxious simply whispers, "Okay".

The deafening silence returns, she thinks for a moment, and then leans over "But what if i don't want to have sex?"
"Easy, just lean over and stroke my dick a couple hundred times."