How Is Israel’s Iron Dome Defence System Helping It Counter Palestine’s Rocket Attack

13-05-2021 18:25 B34VER#1
#IsraelPalestineConflict #IronDome #GetCloserToTheNews
How Is Israel’s Iron Dome Defence System Helping It Counter Palestine’s Rocket Attacks?
13-05-2021 18:55 micklfc08#2
#Israel #Gaza #BBCNews
Rockets hit Israel after Gaza militants killed - BBC News

This won't end well...start of something insane :S
14-05-2021 20:05 B34VER#3
Looks like ground troops and bombing might start
its going to get fucking messy

#Israel #Palestine #Gaza
Israel-Palestinian clashes: Thousands flee their homes in Gaza | Hamas
14-05-2021 20:21 micklfc08#4
#Israel #IDF #Palestine
Israel-Palestine Conflict: IDF Release Dramatic Footage of Hamas AIR-STRIKE in Gaza
15-05-2021 13:33 Neha.Kulkarni#5
#Israel #Gaza #BBCNews
Israel intensifies attacks in Gaza as conflict enters fifth day - BBC News

It's offical, its a war!

Some will say its ethnic cleansing or a onesided fight, but if you fire rockets at any country, they will attack back.
Hamas must have thought Israel would never fight back with bombs due to international coverage, presure,
but it's game on!

Its the women and children who will suffer the most, families will be will be heart tearing for may even create more children growing up to be h8ful...but the reality is, you reap what you sow...Hamas should surrender for the sake of the civillians...
15-05-2021 13:55 micklfc08#6
Originally Posted by Neha.Kulkarni »

#Israel #Gaza #BBCNews
Israel intensifies attacks in Gaza as conflict enters fifth day - BBC News

It's offical, its a war!

Some will say its ethnic cleansing or a onesided fight, but if you fire rockets at any country, they will attack back.
Hamas must have thought Israel would never fight back with bombs due to international coverage, presure,
but it's game on!

Its the women and children who will suffer the most, families will be will be heart tearing for may even create more children growing up to be h8ful...but the reality is, you reap what you sow...Hamas should surrender for the sake of the civillians...

I don't think Hamas will surrender...
I dont think israel will stop either ...

Israel-Gaza: Strike collapses building during live BBC report - BBC News
15-05-2021 14:06 Neha.Kulkarni#7
Originally Posted by Neha.Kulkarni »

#Israel #Gaza #BBCNews
Israel intensifies attacks in Gaza as conflict enters fifth day - BBC News

It's offical, its a war!

Some will say its ethnic cleansing or a onesided fight, but if you fire rockets at any country, they will attack back.
Hamas must have thought Israel would never fight back with bombs due to international coverage, presure,
but it's game on!

Its the women and children who will suffer the most, families will be will be heart tearing for may even create more children growing up to be h8ful...but the reality is, you reap what you sow...Hamas should surrender for the sake of the civillians...

If that was an Israeli building, many Hamas supporters would be cheering
15-05-2021 17:38 Lucy.Honey#8
#Israel #Gaza #BBCNews
Israel destroys Gaza tower housing foreign media - BBC News

Not sure what to say :| I'm sure many will be celebrating the fall of MSM
16-05-2021 11:45 Lucy.Honey#9
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu vows to continue airstrikes on Gaza for ‘as long as necessary’
16-05-2021 12:59 Lucy.Honey#10
#protests #london #propalestine
Violence breaks out at pro-Palestine protests outside Israeli Embassy in London

Now we have riots and protests in London